September is the start of academic year for some countries. October on the other hand is the BEER fest here in Philippines that common BEER will be affordable and promotional 3+1 hahahahaha. November is the currently the emotional month here in Philippines commemorating all souls in purgatory and our dearly departed once and also the manifestations of all Saints deeds through people. Lastly, December! the much awaited year for reconciliations, get together and a world wide celebration for its ending year and for the coming new year!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Start of the BER season
September is the start of academic year for some countries. October on the other hand is the BEER fest here in Philippines that common BEER will be affordable and promotional 3+1 hahahahaha. November is the currently the emotional month here in Philippines commemorating all souls in purgatory and our dearly departed once and also the manifestations of all Saints deeds through people. Lastly, December! the much awaited year for reconciliations, get together and a world wide celebration for its ending year and for the coming new year!
Guided Sunday
Lead me Lord
Lead me by the hand
And make me face the rising sun
Comfort me through all the pain
That life may bring
There’s no other hope
That I can lean upon
Lead me Lord
Lead me all my life
Walk by me
Walk by me across
The lonely road that I may face
Take my arms and let your hand
Show me the way
Show the way to live inside your heart
All my days, all my life
You are my light
You’re the lamb upon my feet
All the time my Lord
I need You there
You are my light I (just) cannot live alone
Let me stay by Your guiding love
All through my life
Lead me Lord
Lead me Lord
Even though at times
I’d rather go alone my way
Help me take the right direction
Take Your road
Lead me Lord
And never leave my side
All my days, All my life
[refrain 2]
You are my light
You’re the lamb upon my feet
All the time my Lord
I need You there
You are my light I (just) cannot live alone
Let me stay by Your guiding love
All through my life
All through my days
Lead me, O Lord
Lead me Lord
Dear Jesus, Hold us always as you guide us towards our day.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Michael J. @ his 50
A Grammy winner on his 13-th time, sold more than 750 million albums, from ABC News said' "Good Morning America" that he's "looking forward to doing a lot of great things. ... I think the best is yet to come in my true humble opinion." a talked to ABC News by phone last Thursday.
"People see some of the things I do and they say, `Why don't you show this to the world? People don't know you do these things.' And maybe I will," he said.
Jackson said recording the albums "Thriller" and "Off the Wall" were the hippiest times of his carrier with his overwhelming fans.
"That meant very much to me and seemed to be received so beautifully by the public and the world. You know, I enjoyed it very much," he said.
As for his birthday plans, "I'll just have a little cake with my children and we'll probably watch some cartoons," he said. "I am letting them enjoy their childhood as much as possible. ... I let them go to the arcade and go to the movies and do things. I think that comes naturally. I want them to get to do things I didn't get to do," he said.
"I get pretty emotional when I see them having a wonderful time," he said.
Jackson was asked if he had received a membership card from AARP, which focuses on the needs and concerns of those 50 and older. "Not that I know of!" he said, laughing.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Grand Theft Auto IV
Sad story
Life is untold to end if it is not in the right time. Determined by its cause, sickness or by time. Perhaps, considering the fact that we have one life with limited time to live and we don't have control about it. Life is precious to be cherish, to enjoy it and to protect it.
Monday, August 25, 2008
I am pointing here is attitude and behavior, can it be good or bad to others? For example, you know that your intentions to that person are good like protecting him or her to be not harmed by others but it has a negative effect to that person because of what he or she interpret it. You will be BAD on there eyes and they will say to you that "I can stand on my on".
Is it or there perceptions that makes it wrong?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
3 morning messages
2 In Gods heart, forgiveness is always there
3 In Gods embrace, No One is ever alone
This was texted yesterday morning to me. Clearly stated that even in our worst days God is always there. Gods love is infinite and no one else's Love can be unconditional like He shared.
This day, Sunday we are called to be passionate enough to return the gratitude to Him. We may call Him in different names but His name is above of all other names. We may be partly divided in religion but we are all united in one God and that is Jesus.
Have a nice Sunday weekend.
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid… for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.Deuteronomy 31:6
Saturday, August 23, 2008
read and re-read
Teo did throw the straw and three free throws.
If Teo did throw the straw and three free throws,
Where's the straw Teo threw if it is true?
Read and re-read carefully until you say it rapidly and correctly! ^^v
Great apes hate grape cakes
Friday, August 22, 2008
God's Love
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Interested and not
For the time being I am blogging to enhance my skills on writing. It really helps and get you into challenge every time others like my readers comment on my grammar, English and spelling hehehehe.... My point is, here in my country as the English is the second language I envy those who can. I can clearly see my self in the edge of a cliff while listening to my English subject classmates that can almost speak like foreigners with there accent.
To bad for me, I can hardly speak because I can not express much in English or even match it with the right term before I speak or answer. I am always down during and after a little talk in English even in a normal conversation. I can articulate things in mind but I can't let it go. I can't even say it properly without having tongue twists on its own while pronouncing a word or a answer.
Even with this downfall I make it positive. Being positive makes me feel it is not my limit, it is not my time to end without trying, it is not my only problem others do too. As a start i am honored to cater any opinion and ideas criticizing my grammar, spelling and English. Hoping you guys will help ^^.
Flocks of the same feathers make the stick duster stronger ^^v
extra money worked at home is looking for witty writer with the enthusiast mood to claim and submit articles for reasonable salary. A freelance writing job that suitable not only for professionals but also for students, housewives, no work but has an internet at home and having experiences in writing is for you.
Not convinced? hmm.. click the highlighted name and start a tour around there pages along with the interest that will help you to understand and motivate you to sign up!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A day to remember
My family is in struggle since sickness came, even our relatives extending there effort too to provide enough medication for my papa. Since then, 2 years past we always commemorate the day not because he was sick that time but the essence of bonding that strengthen our family and others. Working as a team both household and taking care of my papa.
Each year all of our friends and relatives will be on that day. And you can see the happiness from my papa's smile and smile from his visitors. You can also see life for every "Hi and Hello, how are you? and don't mind about your illness, just be happy because we're here for you" conversations.
In 3 years of financial and attending to papa's needs problem, we all endured it. Even my Lola (Grandmother) also gives her time to his son, talking to him, giving him snacks every afternoon and even cook for him. My Lola is 87 and still strong.
For three years we are hoping for cure. For three years we gave it all we have. For three years I realize how important family is.
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Monday, August 18, 2008
One Godly day!
Hours past and I noticed that no one would come. I texted my Aunt Marlyn asking "how come I am only one here at work" hours later I received a call from one daughter her te`Chinkay and she ask me if I have a partner at work, I was laughing then and replied "none, hahahahaha" "are you ok being alone at work?" she seconded, "yes!" I said "it is good to work alone heheheheheh"
Past eight in the evening my Aunt Marlyn with his brother came fetching me with a good dinner.
And all my hard working and tiring day end after I ate it all.... hahahaha ^^v
You have the team spirit during work but you always on edge while alone
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Here's your Campers Pass!
I got the noticed this evening telling that to gain access to the up coming WordCamp here in davao I need to download and print this ^^
- i.PH: the Domain for Individuals
- Free Online Flash Games
- Wazzup Manila Philippines
- Real Estate CRM
- Real Estate Website Designers
- Orange County Real Estate
- Auto Insurance Quotes
- Lane Systems Inc.
- RedMedia
- Orange County Business Lawyer
- Cebu Pacific Air
- Buddy Gancenia Reality TV
- SmartBro Wireless Broadband
- Make Money with Performancing Ads
I am happy for those who make it and sad to those who did not, and for my friend Dru who also did not make it :(
See yah!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friendly Multimedia Software
Searching and still can't find the right tool for video editing, sound mixing and CD burning after you done editing?
Blaze Media Pro Multimedia Software
Is one-do-it-all software that enables you to that offers conversion, ripping, editing, recording, burning, playback, and much more. Advanced features include video capture, video creation, combining, and extraction, video editing, copying of music CDs, audio and video merge (joining), MusicID audio recognition, lyrics search, audio tag editing.
Video editing? it is available too, format AVI (uncompressed and compressed using any available codec), MPEG-1, MPEG-2, WMV, and ASF. Guiding you on the right track of video and sound editing that only PRO`s can do. They can! how about you?
No exam permit, No Exam
Commonly, upper class year levels paid their fees toward the end of the semester or before the next semester's registration. As a private and has higher education institution does not receive any grant from the government for its operation as such universities depends on the money collected from the student each semestral bills.
In contrary for what they want to reach others about there financial problems students have it also. Delayed payments on every exam/semester gives stress on how they will come up with the amount they need to pay the school. Do they understand that situation like this? Admin must understand the status of their students letting them to be educated not just for they pay the school to do it but they giving the education as a gift for every student enrolled.
They are also true that they can only opperate well if they have funds. With the tuition plus the miscellaneous, aren't they enough? It is unfair for the students paying their payables but do not get the facilities for them to use or an operating one.
Education is for all, are all can afford education?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Christian the Lion
Talk about friendships and good companionship, Jheine send this video a while ago with the sniff of her nose crying telling me this video touches her emotion a bit.
John Rendall and Anthony 'Ace' Bourke owner of Christian the lion didn't expect or they expect that they will be recognized by this meeting even though they were advice that they may not be recognize because of being not together for a long time.
I am really surprise that the owner was not eaten, of actually it is the nature of the exotic animals. After they bought it when Christian still a cub in a shop on a cage, with 35-55 pounds they after they let Christian be in a widelife conservation program in Africa and they go back a year later to Christian not knowing what his reaction gonna be.
Christian looked at them and start running then he open his arms wide and start hugging them, in that scenario I did not see struggle or fear while they hugging the lion.
"We had such a beautiful relationship with him and there were such TRUST and such LOVE and he run towards us with such love and excitement in his eyes and we thought exactly the same way, we were so excited to see him looking so big and healthy and the story has just turned up so beautifully when it could have different ending" -Anthony-
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Reaching Out - Nyoy Volante
You mean everything to me
Don't have the strength to say
Give this heart of mine a chance
And maybe then you will see...
I'll do anything, do anything that you tell me
I'll be there, I'll be there if you need me.
Reachin' out to you
Do you feel it too
Lovin' you is all I wanna do
I'm completely sure
I've never felt this way before
When I smile you know that there is something more.
What must I do so I can make you see
The light that shines in my eyes
You brighten up my day
You even help me find my way
I wish you're always by my side
And I can't stop, don't know how to stop thinkin' of you
And I'll do anything, do anything to be near you...
Reachin' out to you
Do you feel it too
Lovin' you is all I wanna do
I'm completely sure
I've never felt this way before
Deep inside you know that there is something more.
Deep inside you know that there is something more.
WordCamp Davao Locator Map

To get to the WordCamp Davao venue, from McDonald’s in Victoria Plaza, go straight, then take the first left on Mabini St. when you leave the mall. You will be heading towards the back entrance of the mall, but turn right just before it. You should be on the road with a big canal on the left. This is Veloso Street.
Go straight up to the 2nd corner, then take the left. This is the entrance to Palm Village. After a very short distance, take the left onto Narra St. You will notice the signs for Brian’s Grill & Café and La Piscine on the right side.
WordCamp Davao is now updated! So, to those DavaoBloggers that not have yet registered just click on the "register botton" and start filling it in. SEE YA!
Some Text missing
I looked at it and got a text message, My friend Jal asks something about abortion.
From the word itself it is alarming, so I replied and ask him "is it your problem or a friend of yours problem?" He text back "It is mine".
With my curiosity, I asked him to come over my house to talk about it or even involve the girl who I think is pregnant that time or maybe taking the risk to do it. After a few minutes, he surely came by and I started asking.
"are you... going to be a daddy?" he strongly replied "NO! I'm not, a friend who happen my ex-girlfriend have this problem for two weeks. It was positive when she got the pregnancy test result"
With a humor I asked, "I'll be the child's ninong (male sponsor) in his/her baptism" hehehehe....
then after awhile he replied and said "OK! you're one of the ninong of my DOGS babies" wenks`
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sound trip
What do I do? I don't have someone to talk to. All of my friends are off line and it is raining outside.
hmmm.... I stumbled on a song just by the browser and this song make me stop a bit for couple of times because of the lyrics. The content is rich with love that was hidden but now revealed through this song. I also provide lyrics so that you can sing along.
What would you do if I told you that
All that I do's think of what we had
What would you do if I'm not the friend I used to be
Well, at least, not to me
'Cause I can't get over all the times you stay
Get crazy, jealous every time you're away
Now I'm someone different from the one you knew
Had nothing to feel for you, to feel for you
What do I do
I keep calling out your name
What do I do
I got no one else to blame
What do I do
Every time I hold your hand, it's not the same
What do I do
I think I fell in love with you
What can I do, what can I say
Everything keeps changing every night, every day
Every word so diff'rent, every touch so real
Every glance and every look reveals the way I feel
No, it's never ever gonna be the same
When we hug for warmth from the cold of the rain
Yet I'm not gonna move on, not gonna change
Though I find it hard to say, baby
[Repeat CHORUS]
I don't know what to do
I'm fallin' more for you
Baby, please tell me...
[Repeat CHORUS]
Ooh oh
What do I do
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Going forward, I am curious a bit about the competition and there unique talents so I browsed more and found this unique group.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
You’re Registered!
4 September 2008
Venue: TBA
Congratulations! You are now registered to join your fellow WordPressers in the Philippines for the first WordCamp in Southeast Asia!
And I am in it! ^^v I got the info about the gathering on my messenger. Kuya red status was highlighted, I got curious about it so I clicked it and started to read, after a while kuya red log on his messenger and I ask about the event like how much it will me to spend for the night and he replied it is for FREE ^^.So, I started to fix my registration and got accepted hehehe. Now, I am waiting for the further info about it and boom I am so excited. ^^b
- i.PH: the Domain for Individuals
- Free Online Flash Games
- Wazzup Manila Philippines
- Real Estate CRM
- Real Estate Website Designers
- Orange County Real Estate
- Auto Insurance Quotes
- Lane Systems Inc.
- RedMedia
- Orange County Business Lawyer
Today's Bible verse
New International Version
wacky day ^^
after the memorial ceremony of one of our friend.
Our elders have this belief that after attending a burial
we must not be at home @ 12 midnight because of bad luck.
So with the majority agreed about it we decided to have our gathering in a KTV bar despite of what just sad happen.
she is on God hands at the time.
We started choosing religious songs for the offering and afterwards the jamming starts.
from the selected loves songs to the hard rock that makes our throat inflamed and irritated hahaha so beer pop-up ^^v
I have to go back right away because of curfew hahaha.. den all stayed up until 1 am ^^v after that home they go ^^v